About JPMC

Journal of Palliative & Medical Care (JPMC) is a peer-reviewed, international online journal that welcomes laboratory and clinical findings in the fields of palliative care and medicine. Journal publishes the most exciting researches with respect to the subjects of Palliative Care & Medicine. The journal covers the latest developments in drug and non-drug treatments for patients with life-threatening diseases including cancer, AIDS, cardiac disease, pulmonary, neurologic, respiratory conditions and other diseases.

The Journal publishes all types of papers including reports of original research, opinion papers, current reviews, case reports, book reviews, and reports on international activities.


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Open Access

Immediately Available To Read, Share, Use and Download

Peer Review Policy

Rigorous Peer Review of Research by Professionals in Your Field

Publication Ethics

High Ethical Standards, Rigorous Peer Review by Experts

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High Visibility for Global Exposure and Impact

Journal of Palliative and Medical Care is an open access journal with an aim to globalize the latest advancements in all major disciplines of Life Sciences and Technology. Articles published here will be available and accessible online for free. Journal of Palliative and Medical Care will be a perfect platform to showcase your research thoughts and explore your ideas. It defines the relationship between publisher, editor and other parties at the same time foster editorial independence.

We accept the publication of full length research article, review article, case reports, short communication, etc., with quality publication by our high standards and through the peer review process by our eminent editorial board members.